News from Tingewick


As much as we love holding our services in our beautiful church, the cost of heating it during the winter months is colossal. Even with the heating on the church is never very warm, as those who attend regularly will know! We need to spend a substantial amount of money this year on repairs to the church tower and the replacement of our organ, so saving money on heating is key. With this in mind, we decided to hold our 3rd Sunday services in the Village Hall. January and February were very successful, with everyone appreciating the warmth! We would love you to join us at 11.00am on 16th March for our service, which will be followed by refreshments. The services are open to everyone so please do come along.


Crafty Church now takes place on the 4th Sunday of the month. The next three sessions will be on 23rd March, 27th April and 25th May from 2.30pm to 4.00pm. Sunday afternoon may not be the best time. Please come and tell me that or ring me if you feel we should change it. (Revd Paula – 01280 701631). This is for the whole benefice and beyond – taking place in Tingewick Church because we have lots of space, lots and lots of craft supplies, a toilet and a little kitchen – perfect! We have a monthly theme, but this is just a suggestion. You can make other things too. If you have ideas, please come and share them.


Our midweek Communion service takes place on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 10am. The dates for the next three months are 12th March, 9th April and 14th May.


During the winter months our lovely church is open at weekends from 10am to 5pm, for quiet reflection and private prayer, or just for a wander around the church and churchyard. However, once we begin British Summertime on 30th March, the church will be open daily.


Anyone who joined us for our Pudding Club in October will know what a successful evening it was. Everyone enjoyed a wide selection of puddings, plus a raffle, all whilst raising vital funds for our lovely church. We have the village hall booked for a second Pudding Club in April, so if you missed out last time or would like to join us again, keep an eye out for ticket information on our social media, Tingewick Life and posters and flyers around the village.


The kindness of villagers continues to amaze us. Our boxes are still in the church porch and all donations of non-perishable goods are always extremely welcome. Please help us to help those around us who rely on this valuable resource. Every donation really does help local families.


Our Tingewick homepage is HERE

Also keep up to date with all the church activities by following us on Facebook and Instagram

Instagram - @tingewickchurch




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