Legacy Giving

Our churches have been built on the generosity and dedication of parishioners like you over the centuries.

Legacies can make a profound difference to the work of the church in this community. Take time to think and pray about your legacy, and consult with me or others in the Benefice if you need further guidance.

Reverend Paula Smith 01280 701631

Help us continue and grow

Did you know you can leave a gift to the church in your will?

We call these gifts legacies because they allow you to make a lasting difference to our church even when you’re no longer physically with us.

We welcome all gifts in wills, however large or small, and we promise to use your gift to make a difference in our parish.

When we receive a legacy we commit to using it to achieve our goal of becoming a church that cares for God’s world in everything we do. As part of our vision for the church, we want to ensure we plan financially for our future so that we can continue to grow our Christian presence in the local community.

If you already have a will and do not wish to redo it, straightforward changes can be made through a Codicil. Alternatively, a Letter of Wishes has to be considered by executors but is not binding.

How Legacies Can Help

Here are some examples of ways legacies have been used for mission in churches:

• Reaching out to the community through new missional initiatives

• Maintaining and improving the fabric of buildings to make them more suited for ministry and community use

• Developing and investing in work with children, young people and schools

• Investing in ways to make the church more environmentally friendly

Want to take it further?

To hear more about leaving a legacy for the future of our church speak to me, Reverend Paula Smith or reach out to one of our Benefice contacts here.

For more information and guidance on the legal wording for a will please visit https://www.churchofengland.org/faith-life/lasting-gift-your-church/wording-your-will

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