Westbury Home Page


St Augustine's of Canterbury is a church serving the Parish of Westbury. It is the only place of worship in the village and aims to provide a place where people of all ages and all backgrounds can feel welcome

The church is open daily until dusk. All are welcome to make use of our lovely church building

The local school (Beachborough) also use the church regularly

To take a virtual tour of our building click here or on the Virtual Tour image above

There are normally services at St Augustine's on the first and fourth Sundays of the month but check the calendar to see the full list of services and events

The church has been in Westbury since 1175 - that means in 2025 it will be our 850th anniversary!

Useful Links
News From Westbury
St Augustine's "A Church Near You" site

We Are Supporting (and you can too!)
Baby Basics which aims to support new mothers and families
We are also supporting the Brackley Food Bank and you can leave donations in the church

Please Support Us
It costs over £20,000 each year to keep the church open and maintain the churchyard
The Parish Giving Scheme is a safe and easy way to support us on a regular or one off basis
St Augustine's Friends Organisation (FOStA) - our Friends organsiation supporting our fabric
Our Churchyard Working Party who help maintain the churchyard
You can support our fabric for FREE while shopping online by clicking here

Our Projects To Improve And Protect The Church
Clearing and Protecting the Tower
Repairing The Dry Stone Walls
Installation of LED Lighting

The History
The Building



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