St Augustine Friends (FOStA)

The Friends of St Augustine’s (FOStA) has been set up as a charity to raise funds to contribute to the maintenance of the church fabric, with the long term aim of creating a warm and welcoming community space for all villagers and a variety of uses.

The next event, a Safari Supper, originally planned for June, will now be in September – please save the date, Saturday 14 September. More details nearer the time.


For more information contact FOStA

Recent Events

We held a very enjoyable harvest supper in October 2023 hosted by Ian Wakeford.FOStA raised £800 towards new lighting in the church.

FOStA held an event in May 2024, an evening with the Palmerston band with Alan Rondeau from Westbury. It was a very enjoyable and successful evening, filling the Village Hall and raising around £1,000 for the church fabric through ticket sales and a raffle. The bar was open and the Westbury Community Shop put on a delicious barbecue. Thank you to everyone who made it such a fun occasion, which will contribute significantly towards the restoration of our lovely stained-glass windows in St Augustine’s. 

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